Crawford, A. W.

First Name A. W.
Last Name Crawford

Person Records

NameSourceSource DateVessel NamePosition
Crawford, A. W.; 1907 Red Book; 19071907 Red Book1907-00-00TURBINIACaptain
Crawford, A. W.; 1908 Lynn's; 19081908 Lynn's1908-00-00TURBINIACaptain
Crawford, A. W.; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLNELLIE CUTHBERT
Crawford, A. W.; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLIMPERIALCaptain
Crawford, A. W.; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLIMPERIALCaptain
Crawford, A. W.; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLRUPERTCaptain
Crawford, A. W.; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLRUPERTCaptain
Crawford, A. W.; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLRUPERTCaptain
Crawford, A. W.; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLRUPERTCaptain
Crawford, A. W.; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLRUPERTCaptain
Crawford, A. W.; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLRUPERTCaptain
Crawford, A. W.; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLMACASSACaptain
Crawford, A. W.; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLCLEOPATRACaptain
Crawford, A. W.; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLCLEOPATRACaptain
Crawford, A. W.; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLMODJESKACaptain
Crawford, A. W.; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLMODJESKACaptain
Crawford, A. W.; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLMODJESKACaptain