Lightbody, Mathew

First Name Mathew
Last Name Lightbody

Person Records

NameSourceSource DateVessel NamePosition
Lightbody, Mathew; ISMA Directory; 1906ISMA Directory1906-00-00CITY OF ALPENACaptain
Lightbody, Mathew; ISMA Directory; 1907ISMA Directory1907-00-00CITY OF ALPENACaptain
Lightbody, Mathew; ISMA Directory; 1908ISMA Directory1908-00-00CITY OF ALPENACaptain
Lightbody, Mathew; ISMA Directory; 1909ISMA Directory1909-00-00CITY OF ALPENACaptain
Lightbody, Mathew; ISMA Directory; 1910ISMA Directory1910-00-00CITY OF ALPENACaptain
Lightbody, Mathew; ISMA Directory; 1911ISMA Directory1911-00-00CITY OF ALPENACaptain
Lightbody, Mathew; ISMA Directory; 1912ISMA Directory1912-00-00CITY OF DETROIT IICaptain
Lightbody, Mathew; ISMA Directory; 1913ISMA Directory1913-00-00CITY OF DETROIT NO. 2Captain