Jackman, Frank

First Name Frank
Last Name Jackman

Person Records

NameSourceSource DateVessel NamePosition
Jackman, Frank; Mansfield 1899Mansfield 18991899-00-00OMAR PASHACaptain
Jackman, Frank; Mansfield 1899Mansfield 18991899-00-00JUBILEECaptain
Jackman, Frank; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00EUREKAFirst Mate
Jackman, Frank; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00YOUNG LIONCaptain
Jackman, Frank; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00CLARKCaptain
Jackman, Frank; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLPARAGONseaman
Jackman, Frank; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLWATERTOWNFirst Mate
Jackman, Frank; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLJUBILEECaptain
Jackman, Frank; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLFRANK JACKMANCaptain
Jackman, Frank; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLFRANK JACKMANCaptain
Jackman, Frank; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLFRANK JACKMANCaptain
Jackman, Frank; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLFRANK JACKMANCaptain
Jackman, Frank; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLFRANK JACKMANCaptain
Jackman, Frank; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLFRANK JACKMANCaptain
Jackman, Frank; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLFRANK JACKMANCaptain
Jackman, Frank; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLFRANK JACKMANCaptain
Jackman, Frank; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLFRANK JACKMANCaptain
Jackman, Frank; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLFRANK JACKMANCaptain
Jackman, Frank; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLFRANK JACKMANCaptain
Jackman, Frank; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLFRANK JACKMANCaptain
Jackman, Frank; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLFRANK JACKMANCaptain
Jackman, Frank; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLFRANK JACKMANCaptain
Jackman, Frank; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLFRANK JACKMANCaptain
Jackman, Frank; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLFRANK JACKMANCaptain
Jackman, Frank; Toronto Globe, 5/26/1857Toronto Globe, 5/26/18571857-00-00OMAR PACHACaptain
Jackman, Frank; Toronto Globe, 8/4/1856Toronto Globe, 8/4/18561856-00-00OMAR PACHACaptain