Jewell, Thomas A.

First Name Thomas A.
Last Name Jewell

Person Records

NameSourceSource DateVessel NamePosition
Jewell, Thomas A.CHIEF WAWATAMCaptain
Jewell, Thomas A.CHIEF WAWATAMCaptain
Jewell, Thomas A.CHIEF WAWATAMCaptain
Jewell, Thomas A.CHIEF WAWATAMCaptain
Jewell, Thomas A.; 1949 Blue Book; 19491949 Blue Book1949-00-00CITY OF MUNISINGSecond Mate
Jewell, Thomas A.; 1974 Red Book; 19741974 Red Book1974-00-00CHIEF WAWATAMCaptain
Jewell, Thomas A.; Great Lakes News 3/47; 1947Great Lakes News 3/471947-00-00STRAITS OF MACKINACSecond Mate
Jewell, Thomas A.; Great Lakes News 6/43; 1943Great Lakes News 6/431943-00-00CITY OF PETOSKEYSecond Mate