Registry and Rig Information

Name SWAN, M.R.
Registry U.S.
Official Number 91256
Rig Tug

Dimensions and Tonnage

Hull Material Wood

Vessel History

Rebuilds Remeasured at Duluth, MN, January 22, 1884 (43.33 x 12 x 5.66; 13.85 gross - 6.93 net). Remeasured, Duluth, MN, March 10, 1888 (43.33 x 12.42 x 6.16; 17.22 gross - 10.64 net). Rebuilt at Duluth, MN, in 1908; Canadian measures, 1908 (48 x 12 x 7; 26 gross - 14 registered).
History First enrollment issued at Duluth, MN, January 22, 1884, with reference to License #5, issued at Duluth, MN, January 5, 1883.
Disposition Dropped from Canadian List of Shipping in 1937.

Build Information

Builder Anderson
Place Built Buffalo, NY
Date Built 1880-00-00


Source HCGL

Vessel Names

NameBegin DateEnd DateRegistryOfficial Number
UPHAM, J.H.1908-00-001937-00-00CANADA126046
UPHAM, J.H., JR.1882-00-001908-00-00U.S.91256