McNello, Thomas J.

First Name Thomas J.
Last Name McNello

Person Records

NameSourceSource DateVessel NamePosition
McNello, Thomas J.MILWAUKEEcoal passer
McNello, Thomas J.; 1949 Blue Book; 19491949 Blue Book1949-00-00CITY OF MILWAUKEEFirst Assistant
McNello, Thomas J.; 1960 Red Book; 19601960 Red Book1960-00-00GRAND RAPIDSChief Engineer
McNello, Thomas J.; 1961 Red Book; 19611961 Red Book1961-00-00GRAND RAPIDSChief Engineer
McNello, Thomas J.; 1962 Red Book; 19621962 Red Book1962-00-00MADISONChief Engineer
McNello, Thomas J.; 1963 Red Book; 19631963 Red Book1963-00-00MADISONChief Engineer
McNello, Thomas J.; 1964 Red Book; 19641964 Red Book1964-00-00MADISONChief Engineer
McNello, Thomas J.; 1965 Red Book; 19651965 Red Book1965-00-00CITY OF MILWAUKEEChief Engineer
McNello, Thomas J.; 1966 Red Book; 19651966 Red Book1965-00-00MADISONChief Engineer
McNello, Thomas J.; 1967 Red Book; 19671967 Red Book1967-00-00MADISONChief Engineer
McNello, Thomas J.; 1968 Red Book; 19681968 Red Book1968-00-00MADISONChief Engineer
McNello, Thomas J.; 1969 Red Book; 19691969 Red Book1969-00-00MADISONChief Engineer
McNello, Thomas J.; 1970 Red Book; 19701970 Red Book1970-00-00MADISONChief Engineer
McNello, Thomas J.; 1971 Red Book; 19711971 Red Book1971-00-00MADISONChief Engineer
McNello, Thomas J.; 1972 Red Book; 19721972 Red Book1972-00-00MADISONChief Engineer
McNello, Thomas J.; 1973 Red Book; 19731973 Red Book1973-00-00MADISONChief Engineer
McNello, Thomas J.; 1974 Red Book; 19741974 Red Book1974-00-00MADISONChief Engineer
McNello, Thomas J.; Boyer: Ghost ShipsBoyer: Ghost ShipsMILWAUKEEOiler