Phillips, John N.

First Name John N.
Last Name Phillips

Person Records

NameSourceSource DateVessel NamePosition
Phillips, John N.; 1900 Red Book; 19001900 Red Book1900-00-00GOVERNOR SMITHChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; 1901 Red Book; 19011901 Red Book1901-00-00GOVERNOR SMITHChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; 1903 Red Book; 19031903 Red Book1903-00-00W. A. HASKELLChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; 1904 Red Book; 19041904 Red Book1904-00-00W. A. HASKELLChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00CINCINNATIFirst Assistant
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00ST. NICHOLASFirst Assistant
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00ST. NICHOLASChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00KENTUCKYChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00KENTUCKYChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00KENTUCKYChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00DUBUQUEChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00OGDENSBURGChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00OGDENSBURGChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00OGDENSBURGChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00OGDENSBURGChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00EMPIREChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00MAINEChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00MAINEChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00MAINEChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00CITY OF TOLEDOChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00CITY OF TOLEDOChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00SAMSONChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00SAMSONChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00GLASGOWChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00GLASGOWChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00GLASGOWChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00INTER OCEANChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00INTER OCEANChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00INTER OCEANChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00INTER OCEANChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00INTER OCEANChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00GLASGOWChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00GLASGOWChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00GLASGOWChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00D. C. WHITNEYChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00D. C. WHITNEYChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00D. C. WHITNEYChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00D. C. WHITNEYChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00D. C. WHITNEYChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00D. C. WHITNEYChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00D. C. WHITNEYChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00WILLIAM J. AVERILLChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00JAMES R. LANGDENChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00JAMES R. LANGDENChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00JAMES R. LANGDENChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00JAMES R. LANGDENChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00JAMES R. LANGDENChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00GOVERNOR SMITHChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00GOVERNOR SMITHChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00GOVERNOR SMITHChief Engineer
Phillips, John N.; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00GOVERNOR SMITHChief Engineer