Sylvester, David

First Name David
Last Name Sylvester

Person Records

NameSourceSource DateVessel NamePosition
Sylvester, David; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00CLARISSACabin Boy
Sylvester, David; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00CLARISSACabin Boy
Sylvester, David; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00CLARISSACabin Boy
Sylvester, David; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00CLARISSACabin Boy
Sylvester, David; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00BELVIDERECook
Sylvester, David; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00HOPE
Sylvester, David; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00JOLLY FARMERCaptain
Sylvester, David; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00SHICKLUNAseaman
Sylvester, David; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00MAID OF THE MIST
Sylvester, David; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00ATLANTICFirst Mate
Sylvester, David; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00ATLANTICFirst Mate
Sylvester, David; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00ATLANTICCaptain
Sylvester, David; Mansfield, 1899Mansfield, 18991899-00-00EUREKACaptain
Sylvester, David; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLCLARISSAseaman
Sylvester, David; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLBELVEDEREcook
Sylvester, David; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLCLARISSAseaman
Sylvester, David; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLHOPE OF HAMILTON
Sylvester, David; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLATLANTIC
Sylvester, David; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLATLANTICFirst Mate
Sylvester, David; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLATLANTICFirst Mate
Sylvester, David; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLATLANTICFirst Mate
Sylvester, David; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLJOLLY FARMERFirst Mate
Sylvester, David; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLJOLLY FARMERCaptain
Sylvester, David; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLMAID OF THE WESTFirst Mate
Sylvester, David; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLELIZA WILSONFirst Mate
Sylvester, David; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLATLANTICFirst Mate
Sylvester, David; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLATLANTICCaptain
Sylvester, David; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLATLANTICFirst Mate
Sylvester, David; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLATLANTICCaptain
Sylvester, David; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLATLANTICCaptain
Sylvester, David; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLATLANTICCaptain
Sylvester, David; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLATLANTICCaptain
Sylvester, David; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLATLANTICCaptain
Sylvester, David; Prominent Men of the GLProminent Men of the GLEUREKACaptain