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Historical Collections of the Great Lakes
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R. A. Phillips Collection
First Mate
Second Mate
Third Mate
Third Assistant
First Mate
Second Mate
Third Mate
Third Assistant
Resources 76 – 100 of 186 sorted by name
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LaPlace, William D.; R. A. Phillips Collection
Person Record for LaPlace, William D.
Source: R. A. Phillips Collection; Vessel Name: RICHARD TRIMBLE; Position: Third Mate
Larsen, Carl F.; R. A. Phillips Collection
Person Record for Larsen, Carl F.
Source: R. A. Phillips Collection; Vessel Name: WILLIAM G. CLYDE; Position: Second Mate
Lawless, Donald C.; R. A. Phillips Collection
Person Record for Lawless, Donald C.
Source: R. A. Phillips Collection; Vessel Name: B. F. AFFLECK; Position: First Mate
LeRoy, Hugh A.; R. A. Phillips Collection
Person Record for LeRoy, Hugh A.
Source: R. A. Phillips Collection; Vessel Name: ALVA C. DINKEY; Position: Third Assistant
LeRoy, Kenneth K.; R. A. Phillips Collection
Person Record for LeRoy, Kenneth K.
Source: R. A. Phillips Collection; Vessel Name: PENTECOST MITCHELL; Position: Third Mate
Lehne, G. A.; R. A. Phillips Collection
Person Record for Lehne, G. A.
Source: R. A. Phillips Collection; Vessel Name: WILLIAM E. COREY; Position: First Mate
Lehtoma, Harvey A.; R. A. Phillips Collection
Person Record for Lehtoma, Harvey A.
Source: R. A. Phillips Collection; Vessel Name: WILLIAM J. OLCOTT; Position: First Mate
Leveque, Earl J.; R. A. Phillips Collection
Person Record for Leveque, Earl J.
Source: R. A. Phillips Collection; Vessel Name: B. F. AFFLECK; Position: Third Assistant
Livermore, L. C.; R. A. Phillips Collection
Person Record for Livermore, L. C.
Source: R. A. Phillips Collection; Vessel Name: HENRY PHIPPS; Position: Second Mate
Longtain, E. A.; R. A. Phillips Collection
Person Record for Longtain, E. A.
Source: R. A. Phillips Collection; Vessel Name: PERCIVAL ROBERTS JR.; Position: Third Mate
Luly, George R.; R. A. Phillips Collection
Person Record for Luly, George R.
Source: R. A. Phillips Collection; Vessel Name: WILLIAM A. IRVIN; Position: Third Mate
Lundeen, L. P.; R. A. Phillips Collection
Person Record for Lundeen, L. P.
Source: R. A. Phillips Collection; Vessel Name: JOHN H. MCLEAN; Position: Second Mate
Lutz, H. V.; R. A. Phillips Collection
Person Record for Lutz, H. V.
Source: R. A. Phillips Collection; Vessel Name: HARVARD; Position: Third Mate
MacLean, John T.; R. A. Phillips Collection
Person Record for MacLean, John T.
Source: R. A. Phillips Collection; Vessel Name: HENRY PHIPPS; Position: First Mate
MacPherson, Neil G.; R. A. Phillips Collection
Person Record for MacPherson, Neil G.
Source: R. A. Phillips Collection; Vessel Name: THOMAS F. COLE; Position: Second Mate
Malaney, A. K.; R. A. Phillips Collection
Person Record for Malaney, A. K.
Source: R. A. Phillips Collection; Vessel Name: GEORGE F. BAKER; Position: Third Mate
Mandoke, J. F.; R. A. Phillips Collection
Person Record for Mandoke, J. F.
Source: R. A. Phillips Collection; Vessel Name: NORMAN B. REAM; Position: Third Mate
Marcombe, V. T.; R. A. Phillips Collection
Person Record for Marcombe, V. T.
Source: R. A. Phillips Collection; Vessel Name: AUGUST ZIESING; Position: Third Mate
Marshall, Harold R.; R. A. Phillips Collection
Person Record for Marshall, Harold R.
Source: R. A. Phillips Collection; Vessel Name: ISAAC L. ELLWOOD; Position: Third Assistant
Mathews, Milton; R. A. Phillips Collection
Person Record for Mathews, Milton
Source: R. A. Phillips Collection; Vessel Name: RENSSALAER; Position: First Mate
Mathews, T. S.; R. A. Phillips Collection
Person Record for Mathews, T. S.
Source: R. A. Phillips Collection; Vessel Name: PRINCETON; Position: Third Mate
McCormick, Harold K.; R. A. Phillips Collection
Person Record for McCormick, Harold K.
Source: R. A. Phillips Collection; Vessel Name: WILLIAM A. MCGONAGLE; Position: Second Mate
McCune, H. L.; R. A. Phillips Collection
Person Record for McCune, H. L.
Source: R. A. Phillips Collection; Vessel Name: THOMAS W. LAMONT; Position: Second Mate
McDermid, Daniel; R. A. Phillips Collection
Person Record for McDermid, Daniel
Source: R. A. Phillips Collection; Vessel Name: WILLIAM A. IRVIN; Position: First Mate
McKenzie, Thomas I.; R. A. Phillips Collection
Person Record for McKenzie, Thomas I.
Source: R. A. Phillips Collection; Vessel Name: GEORGE F. BAKER; Position: Second Mate
Resources 76 – 100 of 186 sorted by name
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